He is even trying to mobilise the influential lay Catholic charity Sant'Egidio to get Ali Darassa the main armed groups leader into new talks...
Many criticise the Zande militia accused of killing dozens of civilians and siding with the Union pour la Paix en Centrafrique (UPC) led by Ali Darassa (AC Vol 59 No 23 Moscow abhors a vacuum)...
Ali Darassa the leader of the Union pour la Paix en Centrafrique (UPC) – today the main armed group in CAR in the disarmament demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) programme – was his deputy...
FACA and Minusca troops decided to patrol into the Peulh neighbourhood of the city and take over premises controlled by the militia and Séléka faction led by Ali Darassa the Union for Peace in the Central African Republic (UPC)...
Noureddin seems to have succeeded in convening once more the main Séléka commanders including the wayward Al Khatim and Ali Darassa (AC Vol 58 No 6 Peace moves stumble)...
In February Bambari became the centre of the confrontation between an alliance of the anti-Balaka and the FPRC and the Union pour la paix en Centrafrique (Union for peace in Central African Republic) led by former Séléka leader Ali Darass Mahamat (AC Vol 56 No 18 A vote too far)...
Another problem has arisen with the emergence of the Union pour la paix en Centrafrique led by Ali Darassa Mahamat around the town of Bambari and its hostility to the FPRC...
Even though Ali Darassa officially left Bambari to try to help preserve it from attack the situation on the ground is still very fluid...
Gaye's replacement Parfait Onanga-Anyanga is trying to assert himself and make a show of Minusca's strength in Bambari by supporting the US call to arrest the former Séléka leader Ali Darass Mahamat (aka Ali Ndaras)...
Gaye's replacement Parfait Onanga-Anyanga is trying to assert himself and make a show of Minusca's strength in Bambari by supporting the US call to arrest the former Séléka leader Ali Darass Mahamat (aka Ali Ndaras)...