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South Africa

Trevor Andrew Manuel

Date of Birth: 31 January 1956
Place of Birth: Kensington, Cape Town

Displaying 131-140 out of 166 results.

Mbeki mark two

Opposition politicians find it harder to attack the government's market-oriented economic policy under Finance Minister Trevor Manuel...

Calling labour's bluff

The government's chief economic policy-makers - Mbeki Finance Minister Trevor Manuel and Trade and Industry Minister Alec Erwin (himself a former trade unionist) - are dissatisfied with what they see as Nedlac's rigidity and formality and with Cosatu's attempts to call the shots...

Talking left, acting right

Within government Mbeki has like-minded allies in Trevor Manuel Finance Minister and Alec Erwin Trade and Industry Minister who is thought to have contributed to the economic lecture in Mbeki's opening address...

Come in, it's private

) for the proceeds of privatisation by then twice the sum in Finance Minister Trevor Manuel's medium-term budget statement without announcing how the proceeds were to be doubled...

The region rumbles

At the Fund's 17-18 April spring meeting in Washington SA's Finance Minister Trevor Manuel interceded privately on Zimbabwe's behalf with senior IMF officials and major Western shareholders...

Military manoeuvres

His job is the third most important in the cabinet after President Thabo Mbeki and Finance Minister Trevor Manuel if one accepts that foreign policy is still largely run from the presidency...

Betting on the market

That conservative combination in Finance Minister Trevor Manuel's budget on 23 February won plaudits from business parliamentarians and even trade unionists and only minor budget-bashing from non-governmental organisations and left-wing activists...

Ten years after, another revolution

Finance Minister Trevor Manuel's determination to drive down the budget deficit puts strict limits on how much Mbeki's government can use state spending to address the inequalities of the apartheid past...

Down to work

As economic imperatives increasingly define the political agenda Finance Minister Trevor Manuel and Trade and Industry Minister Alec Erwin grow in importance...

Heading north

The relocation trend worries Mboweni and Finance Minister Trevor Manuel who concedes there are arguments both ways for primary foreign listings...

Displaying 131-140 out of 166 results.