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Congo Kinshasa

Félix Antoine Tshisekedi

Date of Birth: 3 June 1963
Place of Birth: Kinshasa

Displaying 111-120 out of 153 results.

No get out of jail card

Former President Joseph Kabila is desperately seeking assurances from his successor President Félix Tshisekedi that he be guaranteed immunity from prosecution by the International Criminal Court...

Jockeying for position

Politics during 2021 will be dominated by the power struggle between the two official winners – losers in reality – of the 2018 presidential and parliamentary elections President Félix Tshisekedi and ex-president Joseph Kabila (AC Vol 60 No 2 Data leak exposes plot to steal presidential vote)...

President nearer to power

A day after dramatic scenes took place inside the Palais du Peuple as FCC supporters clashed with those backing President Félix Tshisekedi until the police intervened enough FCC Assembly deputies switched sides and voted for a petition brought by President Tshisekedi's Union pour la Démocratie et le Progrès Social (UDPS) calling for the resignation of the FCC's Jeanine Mabunda from the post of National Assembly president was successful securing 281 votes in the 500 deputy chamber (AC Vol 61 No 22 Stepping back from the brink)...

Stepping back from the brink

The announcement on 21 October that President Félix Tshisekedi would address the nation in two days generated fevered anticipation that he would dismiss his government dissolve the National Assembly and decree fresh elections...

Big mouths and empty wallets United States ambassador to Congo-Kinshasa Mike Hammer is in such regular contact with President Félix Tshisekedi that many refer to him as the country's unofficial deputy president...

Keeping up with the Kenyattas

And true enough Raila deserves credit for new policies like the BBI a new formula for sharing budgetary funds between counties and relations between Kenya and Felix Tshisekedi's government in Congo-Kinshasa...

Ballots and bishops

The presidential contest was won easily by Martin Fayulu according to leaks from CENI itself seen at the time by Africa Confidential but the commission declared Félix Tshisekedi the victor (AC Vol 60 No 2 Data leak exposes plot to steal presidential vote)...

Life without the 'Supreme Guide'

Congo-K President Félix Tshisekedi will be relieved that Burundi now has a president who does not have an overt and historic friendship with Kabila but he is likely to find that Ndayishimiye is just as ready as his predecessor to send troops into his country to pursue combatants of the Forces nationales de liberation (FNL) led by Agathon Rwasa (AC Vol 53 No 19 Aid threatened conflict up)...

Gertler tries to dodge sanctions

The unfolding saga will also cast light on how far the United States government is willing to go to help the beleaguered President Félix Tshisekedi or whether it sees him mainly as a tool to weaken the influence of former President Joseph Kabila and business allies like Gertler...

Displaying 111-120 out of 153 results.