Russian President Vladimir Putin's simultaneous hosting of BRICS counterparts in Kazan was widely raised in Washington (Dispatches 22/10/24 Grain and credit ratings at the heart of Putin's plan)...
Integration on financial services along with a common rescue fund and a grain exchange platform are top of Russia's wish list at this week's BRICS (Brazil Russia India China South Africa) summit hosted by President Vladimir Putin in Moscow...
Beijing's China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) which recently resumed operations at the small Azelik mine has been approached on Imouraren as well as the Russian state nuclear company Rosatom but CNNC says it does not have the technical expertise and would prefer to exploit it jointly with Orano (Vol 65 No 18 Vladimir Putin's Kremlin builds on Wagner's propaganda legacy)...
Vol 65 No 18 |
Junta leader Capitain Ibrahim Traoré a fierce loyalist to Russia's President Vladimir Putin brought in Russian forces to counter the insurgents but now faces multiple threats to his rule...
It follows his charge made to Russia's President Vladimir Putin at an international trade fair in St Petersburg in June that President Hakainde Hichilema in neighbouring Zambia was conspiring with ‘western powers' to overthrow the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) government (Dispatches 11/6/24 Praising Moscow Mnangagwa accuses US of backing Zambia's military)...
Vol 65 No 16 |
President Vladimir Putin meanwhile is planning an Africa tour over the coming weeks that would take in Mali Burkina Faso and Port Sudan we hear...
Vol 65 No 13 |
Mnangagwa speaking at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum praised President Vladimir Putin for defending the independence and territorial integrity of Russia and lampooned the west in a speech which mentioned Zimbabwe's colonial history...
This would feed the narrative of Vladimir Putin's regime in Russia – which is receiving an increasingly receptive ear around the world as Israel's US-armed assault on Gaza continues – that the professed US commitment to international anti-corruption is just a cover for the advancement of its own interests to be abandoned whenever these interests appear threatened...
Kaka's opponents say that when he went to Russia in January it was to strike a deal with President Vladimir Putin and to join the Alliance des États du Sahel (AES) the new alliance of the miliary regimes in Burkina Faso Mali and Niger and that after he wins the presidential election he will ask French troops to leave (AC Vol 65 No 3 Juntas in shock split from Ecowas)...
Vol 65 No 9 |
She also staunchly supports Russia's President Vladimir Putin and is the twin sister of Duduzane Zuma who had been talking about launching his own party...