On Tuesday 18 September President Uhuru Kenyatta's governing Jubilee party and the opposition (at least in name) National Super Alliance (Nasa) led by Raila Odinga held separate emergency parliamentary group meetings with one common aim: to marshal their MPs to support a revised budget for the current financial year (July 2018 to June 2019)...
When Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta asked for advice about how to handle United States President Donald Trump during his state visit to Washington DC on 27 August a lobbyist told him: 'Talk business and security...
President Uhuru Kenyatta has prevaricated...
Five months after the handshake between President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga and its promise to build bridges between Kenya's hostile ethnic groups Odinga seems to be emerging as the major beneficiary...
Every politician in Nairobi has a favourite theory about the causes and consequences of the rapprochement between President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga on 9 March and what it means for Deputy President William Ruto...
Grand corruption throughout society is being exposed on a scale Kenyans have never seen before – all apparently with the full support of President Uhuru Kenyatta...
Vol 59 No 13 |
The Khartoum 'round' of talks is scheduled to last two weeks after which it will be Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta's turn to play host to what is still being labelled a 'peace process'...
The bipartisan committee appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta and opposition leader Raila Odinga to look into 'building bridges' to achieve national unity has not reported but a pattern is already emerging...
President Uhuru Kenyatta was affable good humour personified on 17 April when he nipped across London's Mayfair from the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting to the Chatham House think tank...
It was the most ambiguous of handshakes despite the claims that President Uhuru Kenyatta and the opposition leader Raila Odinga's meeting on 9 March – after months of acrimony – would 'build bridges to a new Kenyan nation'...