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Côte d'Ivoire

Guillaume Kigbafori Soro

Date of Birth: 8 May 1972
Place of Birth: Diawala, Côte d'Ivoire

Displaying 31-40 out of 115 results.

Jockeying for position

Former rebel leader and current parliamentary Speaker Guillaume Soro is playing the long game setting his sights on 2024 while continuing to build and reinforce his own politico-military network (AC Vol 57 No 18 Ouattara shores up legacy)...

On Ouattara's terms

Soro loserThe biggest loser was the one whose absence from the congress had been carefully orchestrated: Guillaume Soro...

Or given the recent political rifts between Ouattara and the former rebel leader could the meeting be about delivering Guillaume Soro to the ICC...

Cash and cache

It is an embarrassment to Parliamentary Speaker Guillaume Soro for whom Koné is chief of protocol...

Warning shots from the army

The RDR establishment and Ouattara's greater grip on power come at the expense of the junior RHDP partner the once ruling Parti démocratique de Côte d'Ivoire (PDCI) and of former rebel leader Guillaume Soro...

Others deserted from ex-President Laurent Gbagbo's Forces de défense et de sécurité and joined the Forces nouvelles rebels of Guillaume Soro now Speaker of Parliament who controlled the north and then carved it up among some ten military warlords the 'com-zones'...

Ouattara shores up legacy

The amended constitution Ouattara's supporters say could help to marginalise their former boss Guillaume Soro ex-leader of the Forces Nouvelles (FN) and now Parliament Speaker...

Old guards try new uniforms

Fatou Diendéré the fugitive wife of General Gilbert Diendéré and Guillaume Soro President of the Ivorian Parliament were charged over their alleged roles in the failed coup of September 2015 (AC Vol 56 No 19 The people take on the putschists Vol 56 No 20 The General's last days & Vol 56 No 24 Vive la différence)...

Parties to many disputes 

The Soro spectreA more serious party issue is the presence of former Forces Nouvelles rebels in RDR ranks and the designs on the presidency of their former leader Guillaume Kigbafori Soro...

Guillaume Soro (FESCI President 1995-98) and Charles Blé Goudé (FESCI President 1998-2000) were frères ennemis (brothers at war)...

Blaise the Ivorian

The other major figure that the Burkinabè authorities want to detain but cannot is the Ivorian National Assembly Speaker Guillaume Soro...

'The life of Burkinabè citizens is a thousand times more valuable than the honour of Guillaume Soro ' wrote a highly critical blog Kikideni on 18 February...

Blaming Blaise

RSP elements tried to free Diendéré and the ally of Ivorian parliamentary Speaker Guillaume Soro Djibril Yipènè Bassolé from prison on Christmas Eve...

Displaying 31-40 out of 115 results.