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Côte d'Ivoire

Guillaume Kigbafori Soro

Date of Birth: 8 May 1972
Place of Birth: Diawala, Côte d'Ivoire

Displaying 11-20 out of 115 results.

Many shoes to fill

Notable losers in the elections included a key ally of former rebel leader Guillaume Soro Alain Lobognon who has been in jail since December 2020 for ‘plotting against state security'...

Old demons resurface

The insurgent potential of the army has been greatly reduced as ex-Prime Minister and former rebel leader Guillaume Soro found out when his November call to stage an uprising went unheeded but there remains a potential for mutiny...

Ouattara leads in a perilous poll

This year it is going to be a tall order for the 86-year-old Bédié to take on the 78-year-old Ouattara by fronting a campaign in the name of change while supported from exile by Gbagbo and former parliamentary speaker Guillaume Soro both shut out of the race...


The downside of a landslide

The compliant CEI has also helpfully ruled that both former parliamentary speaker and militia leader Guillaume Soro and ex-President Laurent Gbagbo both potential candidates may not vote let alone stand for office...

Crisis summit as insurgents head south

However it wasn't long before responsibility for the attack was being directed at former prime minister and parliamentary speaker Guillaume Soro who's own fief Ferkessédougou is not far away...

An 80s classic

Former parliamentary speaker Guillaume Soro convicted in absentia on graft charges and sentenced to 20 years' jail is exiled in France...

Affairs of state and of the heart

Adding to that was the conviction in absentia on 28 April of the exiled former parliamentary speaker Guillaume Soro shutting him out of the presidential race...

Ouattara and son

Then the popular national assembly speaker Guillaume Soro resigned to launch his own presidential campaign and political movement...

Displaying 11-20 out of 115 results.