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South Africa

Supra Obakeng Ramoeletsi Mahumapelo

Date of Birth: 7 June 1968
Place of Birth: North West Ptovince

Displaying 1-10 out of 33 results.

The markets bet on Ramaphosa's grand coalition

The leading lights of the anti-GNU group in the NEC (in order of their rankings on the NEC): are Malusi Gigaba Andile Lungisa Soviet Lelgangaye Bathabile Dlamini Lindiwe Zulu Supra Mahumapelo Dakota Legoete and Faith Muthambi...

How Western Cape tested the opposition's coalition strategy

Supra Mahumapelo Khusela Diko and Mdumiseni Ntuli the party's head of elections were some of the ANC National Executive Committee members who campaigned alongside Ramaphosa as part of the ruling party team (Vol 60 No 9 ANC split threatens campaign)...

Moscow invasion strains bilateral ties

The President faced push-back on Pandor's initial statement from both the ruling party's international relations sub-committee headed by Zuma-supporting Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu and Supra Mahumapelo who heads the parliamentary subcommittee on international relations...

Ill fares the ANC

They include Supra Mahumapelo former premier of North West province who now chairs the key parliamentary international relations committee...

Fightback lands in the courts

In 2019 he secured the reinstatement of Supra Mahumapelo as Chair of the ANC in North West Province...

Last month former North West ANC Premier Supra Mahumapelo a key ally of Magashule and indicted former President Jacob Zuma was suspended from the party for five years for misconduct by an ANC disciplinary committee...

Magashule overplays his hand

The main backlash against Magashule's suspension came from some 68 branches in Zuma's home province of KwaZulu-Natal and in North West where former party chair Supra Mahumapelo was suspended last month...


Cyril and Ace's linked fates

The NEC refusal even to discuss the issue is regarded as a victory over President Cyril Ramaphosa and his allies by Magashule's supporters in the NEC who include: Zuma former Minister of Environmental Affairs Nomvula Mokonyane former Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini former North West premier Supra Mahumapelo and former ANC Secretary General in the Western Cape Tony Yengeni...

Cyril wins a battle over graft

Candidates the Integrity Commission wanted removed from the party's list for parliament included former Mineral Resources Minister Mosebenzi Zwane; former Northwest premier Supra Mahumapelo; former house chair of the National Assembly Cedric Frolick; and former Postal Services and Telecommunications Minister Siyabonga Cwele...

Meltdown in the party

Another site of furious in-fighting has been the North-West Province whose ANC-run provincial government under premier Supra Mahumapelo was dissolved in August last year...

Displaying 1-10 out of 33 results.