‘The consequences will be especially devastating for vulnerable people around the world ' says United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres adding that the cuts will ‘make the world less healthy less safe and less prosperous'...
INTERNATIONAL DISTRACTION EMBOLDENS RWANDA Beyond a pro-forma call by Secretary General António Guterres for a ceasefire and the withdrawal of foreign forces the UN's political response has been as underwhelming as the AU's...
UN Secretary-General António Guterres was ‘deeply concerned by the escalating violence' said a UN spokesman and ‘reiterates his strongest condemnation of the M23 armed group's ongoing offensive… with the support of the Rwanda Defence Forces...
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on the G20 leaders in Rio to ‘show leadership' to break the logjam in Baku...
Vol 65 No 22 |
In an unprecedented move UN Secretary-General António Guterres said he ‘vehemently condemned the murders...
According to his staff President Hassan Sheikh called UN Secretary-General António Guterres making it clear that were Guterres to renew Laing's mandate he would declare her persona non grata...
With tacit support for the case from the UN Secretary-General António Guterres and countervailing pressure from Washington the task of the ICJ panel will be made harder still...
The CNRD has ruled that none of its members nor any current government minister will be allowed to stand in the elections that restore democracy but the posters of Doumbouya in mufti meeting UN Secretary General António Guterres plastered all over Conakry hint at presidential ambition...
UN Secretary General António Guterres is leading the charge on the Loss and Damage Fund with signs that the COP28 hosts United Arab Emirates are planning to contribute over $20bn to launch the fund this month...
Vol 64 No 20 |
The plan had been to start the pull-out from Kinshasa and Goma in late 2024 but in September Tshisekedi demanded from the podium at the UN General Assembly that this be brought forward to December 2023 and UN Secretary-General António Guterres seems in little mood to dissent...