A visibly annoyed Dos Santos directed the party's Secretary General António Paulo Kassoma to respond...
Also elected was António Paulo Kassoma former Prime Minister and President of the National Assembly and a current Politburo member who has played an increasingly influential role ever closer to the president as Party Secretary-General...
Leopoldino Fragoso do Nascimento 'Dino' former parliamentary Speaker António Paulo Kassoma and Sobrinho himself who holds 1...
Within the MPLA the names to look out for joining the Vicente team include António Pitra Neto João Lourenço and António Paulo Kassoma...
The most powerful include the party's Secretary General Julião Mateus Paulo ‘Dino Matross' its Vice-President Roberto António Victor Francisco de Almeida Secretary for Cadres and former President of the National Assembly and Prime Minister António Paulo Kassoma and a man seen as one of Angola's most influential politicians Gen...