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Freeman Mbowe

Displaying 21-25 out of 25 results.

Magufuli on the warpath

Another Chadema leader Freeman Mbowe openly accused 'local security organs' of carrying out the shooting and called for an independent investigation which was quickly rebuffed...

CCM springs surprise

The main choice would appear to be between the two leading figures in the largest opposition party Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) whose Freeman Mbowe and Wilbrod Slaa have both sought leadership of the opposition umbrella group the Coalition of Defenders of the People's Constitution (Ukawa)...

A vote about corruption

Chadema's lustre has been dimmed by the marginalisation of Zitto Kabwe (AC Vol 50 No 1) the young MP who challenged party leader Freeman Mbowe in internal elections last year but was persuaded to withdraw...

Economic crisis without borders

'We are now in a pluralist state which needs a new constitution' says Freeman Mbowe Chairman of the Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo party which came second to the CCM in 2005's elections...

Kikwete opts for continuity

Freeman Mbowe Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) * with four MPs; might support the CUF in Zanzibar...

Displaying 21-25 out of 25 results.