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Abiy Ahmed

Date of Birth: 15 August 1976
Place of Birth: Beshasha, near Agaro, Oromo Region

Displaying 21-30 out of 218 results.

The influence brokers take a pay cut

' The Eritrean organisation was set up in the early 2000s in Addis Ababa but appears to have been sidelined as relations warmed between Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and Eritrea's President Issayas Aferwerki in 2017...

Abiy Ahmed’s sovereignty deal with Muse Abdi risks more regional turmoil

Regional concerns are mounting over the mooted quid pro quo between Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and President Muse Bihi Abdi in which Ethiopia gets a port in the Gulf of Aden in return for recognising the independence of Somaliland which broke away from Somalia in 1991 (AC Vol 65 No 2 Why Abiy and Muse signed a 'memorandum of misunderstanding')...

According to our sources Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and President Muse Bihi Abdi of Somaliland deliberately spread a rumour on X and other social platforms that Ethiopia would formally recognise Somaliland on 1 July as a way of putting pressure on the negotiators at the Istanbul meeting the day before...


Turkey hosts first round of talks on port row

Turkey mediated the first round of talks between Somalia and Ethiopia's foreign ministers on Monday in the first international attempt to ease diplomatic tensions between the two Horn of Africa states (AC Vol 65 No 14 Abiy Ahmed's sovereignty deal with Muse Abdi risks more regional turmoil)...

Somalia expelled Ethiopia's diplomats from the country in the wake of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's move on New Year's Day to offer recognition of Somaliland's ‘independence' in exchange for access to the Gulf of Aden...


Abiy keeps Addis on side but alienates the nation

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's political shapeshifting has cost him popular support in the Amhara Oromia and Tigray regions leaving only those in power in Addis Ababa and the regional capitals closely tied to his fortunes...

ABIY AHMED AND HIS ALLIES The most powerful allies of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed hail from the Oromia region where he rose to prominence before becoming the national leader in 2018...

Mogadishu gives the UN marching orders

It cannot accept Ethiopian troops after Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed signed a port deal with the breakaway state of Somaliland in January that the Mogadishu government regards as breaching its territorial sovereignty (AC Vol 65 No 2 Why Abiy and Muse signed a 'memorandum of misunderstanding' & Vol 65 No 8 Puntland risks fracturing the federation)...

Displaying 21-30 out of 218 results.