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South Africa

Ebrahim Rasool

Date of Birth: 15 July 1962

Displaying 11-13 out of 13 results.

A province says no

National leaders of the governing African National Congress including President Thabo Mbeki's ally Zola Skweyiya the Minister for Social Development publicly supported Ebrahim Rasool for the premiership of Western Cape Province...

Congress gets scratchy

In Western Cape Ebrahim Rasool's leadership has been purged of his enemies and he rules in coalition with the New National Party...

Confusions in the Cape

For this credit is claimed both by Ebrahim Rasool the ANC's coloured Western Cape leader and candidate for the premiership and by Hennie Bester the DP's white provincial leader who has served as a minister in a provincial coalition with the NNP...

Displaying 11-13 out of 13 results.