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Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron

Date of Birth: 21 December 1977
Place of Birth: Amiens

Displaying 81-90 out of 203 results.

Top French minister drawn into bribery row

Although he has just been released from a decade of service as one of France's most senior ministers by President Emmanuel Macron Jean-Yves Le Drian is not expected to find the time to answer the summons of the Bamako public prosecutor for interview in the Malian capital at 8 am on Monday 20 June...

Deepening food and fuel crisis prompts emergency summits

Sall called for the EU to work with the African Development Bank (AfDB) to turn French President Emmanuel Macron's FARM (Food & Agriculture Resilience Mission) initiative into reality...

Brussels is yet to agree on a common position over the use of the US$650 billion of the Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) reserve currency released by the International Monetary Fund last year but Emmanuel Macron has argued for at least $100bn to be channelled into programmes bolstering Africa's financial reserves and capacity...

Leaders favour new CFA franc plan

In December 2019 a meeting in Abidjan between President Alassane Ouattara of Côte d'Ivoire and French President Emmanuel Macron resulted in them signing a cooperation accord between the eight members of the Union monétaire ouest-africaine (UMOA) the monetary authority for the West African members of the zone and France (AC Vol 61 No 4 'Eco'-logical concerns)...

President enlists crypto for survival strategy

The beleaguered head of state was refused meetings with France's President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the African Union-European Union summit in Brussels in mid-February prompting him to try to win back some credibility and foreign financial support...

Sensitive dossiers

Jean-Yves Le Drian and Florence Parly so familiar to West African capitals for the past five years as the ministers of foreign affairs and the armed forces have departed office in President Emmanuel Macron's post-re-election reshuffle...

Looking for funds as war disrupts trade

Last year France's President Emmanuel Macron called for at least $100bn worth of SDRs allocated to rich countries to be transferred to African economies as loans or grants...

Macronisme on trial – at home and abroad

Emmanuel Macron who has been called France's 'first post-colonial president' is bidding for re-election after a first term in which colonial history cast a long shadow on policies ranging from climate change job creation and migration to regional security...

Nationalist politicians in Bamako complain that President Emmanuel Macron should have gone further and pressured Tuareg groups to accept the presence of the Malian army in the former separatist redoubt in Kidal under the terms of the Algiers accord (AC Vol 63 No 6 Danger looms for the UN in Mali)...

Rivals set out their minimum conditions

Abiy was given similar advice at February's EU-AU Summit in Brussels where European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and French President Emmanuel Macron encouraged dialogue as a matter of urgency...

UN clashes with Wagner worsen

The incident also diverted attention from Touadéra's performance in Brussels after the African Union (AU)-European Union (EU) summit having failed to meet President Emmanuel Macron or key EU officials to obtain the release of funds for his government...

Rwanda's military role in Mozambique is popular in Brussels and Paris and President Emmanuel Macron wants to consolidate France's reconciliation with Kagame...

Displaying 81-90 out of 203 results.