Ghazouani is widely thought to be more sympathetic to France than many other officers which will probably reassure key G5 sponsor President Emmanuel Macron...
This stately pace of advance was interrupted by a vehicle-borne suicide attack on the Joint Force's headquarters in Sévaré in central Mali on 29 June by Jamaat Nusrat ul Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM) which destroyed much of the Joint Force's headquarters infrastructure and equipment and prevented French President Emmanuel Macron making good on his promise that it would be ready in August (AC Vol 59 No 14 Shaky start for Sahel force)...
The Kremlin has been gleefully pushing an anti-French agenda and Touadéra wanted payback for what he felt was humiliating treatment at Yerevan Armenia at the last Organisation de la Francophonie summit when President Emmanuel Macron and other Francophone leaders told him he had to agree to an African Union-UN peace process and negotiate with the country's armed groups...
Vol 59 No 19 |
He is then due to travel to Berlin for the G20 Compact with Africa investment summit on the fringes of which he is expected to hold talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and possibly President Emmanuel Macron of France...
euro as well as logistical support to the G5 Sahel but does not want to take a leadership role and is happy to leave that to French President Emmanuel Macron...
However President Emmanuel Macron's 1-2 July visit to Nouakchott (see Box Kagame and Macron cut deals) was dominated by talks with G5 leaders about how to deal with the difficulties hampering operations...
Kagame and Macron cut deals The periodic froideur between Rwanda and France was switched off at the the 1-2 July African Union summit in Nouakchott where President Emmanuel Macron was a guest...
The plane left the capital on 27 May for a meeting with President Emmanuel Macron in Paris before flying on to Toulouse and then to Oviedo Spain for a visit to a high-end eye clinic...
Vol 59 No 11 |
French President Emmanuel Macron is said to be eager to host Ramaphosa in Paris...
Nigerians contrasted the lack of pomp and ceremony accorded to Buhari in Washington with the lavish receptions given to France's President Emmanuel Macron and Germany's Angela Merkel...
Vol 59 No 7 |
There is also the image that President Emmanuel Macron wants to project of greater transparency by France and French-owned interests...