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South Africa

Jessie Yasmin Duarte

Date of Birth: 19 September 1953
Place of Birth: Johannesburg, South Africa
Died: 17 July 2022

Displaying 41-44 out of 44 results.

Zuma’s campaign pays off

Eastern Cape also wants current Chairwoman Baleka Mbete to serve again with Mantashe as Secretary General Jessie Duarte (a Zuma ally) as Deputy Secretary General and Naledi Pandor as Treasurer General...

Zuma's people on top

Former Northern Cape Premier Manne Dipico ­ widely credited with masterminding the ANC's past two successful national election campaigns ­ was deposed as head of the NEC Subcommittee on Elections and Campaigning and replaced by the pro-Zuma Gauteng politician Jessie Duarte...

Displaying 41-44 out of 44 results.