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Janet Kainembabazi Museveni

Date of Birth: 24 June 1948
Place of Birth: Ntungamo, Uganda

Displaying 11-18 out of 18 results.

The north makes its stand

Both Saleh and Kyambadde are expected to join a future Museveni cabinet with First Lady Janet Kataha Museveni who is running for re-election giving the President two right-hand women he can depend on...

Both Saleh and Kyambadde are expected to join a future Museveni cabinet with First Lady Janet Kataha Museveni who is running for re-election giving the President two right-hand women he can depend on...

Doctor, doctor

The office of First Lady Janet Museveni is at the centre of a row over the misuse of healthcare funds according to investigators into two financial scandals at the Ministry of Health...

These documents include a note on State House letterhead from Margaret Lalam to Mukula referring to a meeting on 15 Jan 2005 in which Janet Museveni had asked for funding for health advocacy meetings in villages...

A succession of letters about funding requests totalling some $273 000 were sent from Janet Museveni's office to the Ministry of Health after this initial exchange...

Janet Museveni is furious about the position of her husband's long-standing personal assistant Amelia Kyambadde and has tried unsuccessfully to outmanoeuvre her rival...

In the 2006 elections Janet Museveni backed by State House resources beat an incumbent member of parliament...

Losing and winning

The most senior relative in parliament will be First Lady Janet Museveni who rallied the female and Christian voters of her home constituency of Ruhama in the west and took a significant scalp for the government by deposing the FDC's Ruzindana...

Losers can win too

The NRM/FDC fight is encapsulated in Ruhama where First Lady Janet Museveni takes on the FDC strongman Augustine Ruzindana - himself like many in the FDC a former NRM stalwart (AC Vol 46 No 25)...

Mr and Mrs

Not content with being the Mother of the Nation and the leading pro-abstinence and anti-condom campaigner Uganda's First Lady Janet Museveni is penetrating the political arena...

By accepting the uncontested National Resistance Movement candidature Janet Museveni becomes the third high-profile wife at the centre of next year's elections...

Janet Museveni's opponent in Ruhama Ruzindana is one of a group of 'historicals' from the ruling NRM who have defected in recent years to the FDC and are key to its strength and popularity...

The family khaki

Moses Rwakitarati a close family friend of Yoweri and First Lady Janet Museveni ­ and until recently top PPU intelligence officer...

Museveni's new model army

The two have worked together since the bush war of the early 1980s when Kazini (First lady Janet Museveni's cousin) was under Saleh's command...

Displaying 11-18 out of 18 results.