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Janet Kainembabazi Museveni

Date of Birth: 24 June 1948
Place of Birth: Ntungamo, Uganda

Displaying 1-10 out of 18 results.

How family and the army dominate Museveni's endgame

President Museveni's wife Janet Kataha Museveni a devout evangelical Christian is Minister of Education and Sports...

President Museveni's wife Janet Kataha Museveni a devout evangelical Christian is Minister of Education and Sports...

Muhoozi sticks his neck out

We hear that Muhoozi's campaign has the support of his mother Janet Museveni...

Making the disciplining of Muhoozi more problematic is the belief widely shared among insiders that he is being encouraged by his mother Janet Museveni in his campaign...

How shadow states threaten democracies

Today authority is concentrated in the Museveni family – a quasi-monarchy including his half-brother Salim Saleh his wife and Education Minister Janet Kataha Museveni his only recognised son Lieutenant General Muhoozi Kainerugaba and a kind of military aristocracy underpinning it...

Today authority is concentrated in the Museveni family – a quasi-monarchy including his half-brother Salim Saleh his wife and Education Minister Janet Kataha Museveni his only recognised son Lieutenant General Muhoozi Kainerugaba and a kind of military aristocracy underpinning it...


Bad cop, worse cop

Chief among the ISO's missteps was to accuse the President's son Lieutenant General Muhoozi Kainerugaba and his mother the First Lady Janet Museveni of plotting to overthrow the President...


The seven ages of Museveni

Museveni has launched trial balloons to test the acceptability of his being succeeded by his son Major General Muhoozi Kainerugaba or his wife Janet Museveni (AC Vol 57 No 3 First ladies first and Vol 58 No 2 Museveni's marathon)...

Protest grows over Museveni win

The only realistic alternative to constitutional change would be to hand power to a nominated successor with his wife Janet Museveni or son Brigadier Muhoozi Kainerugaba being the two most talked about candidates (AC Vol 57 No 3 First ladies first)...

First ladies first

Some interpreted Janet Museveni's decision not to run for Parliament as the surest sign that her campaign to succeed her husband was beginning...

Janet Museveni triumphed over other rivals too most of all when she got Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi sacked...

It has also shown Janet Museveni to be a formidable political force perhaps more than she lets on...

After that period Uganda will be weighing the relative balance of parliament against the presidency and what role Janet Museveni will adopt within the NRM...

West divided on aid scandal

The corruption allegations extend to Prime Minister John Patrick Amama Mbabazi and President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s wife Janet Kataha Museveni...

The corruption allegations extend to Prime Minister John Patrick Amama Mbabazi and President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni’s wife Janet Kataha Museveni...

Wars of the succession

The President’s wife Janet Museveni came second with former Vice-President Gilbert Bukenya third...

Displaying 1-10 out of 18 results.