It aims to control civic groups by regulating their funding and activities echoing previous attempts at this under former President François Bozizé...
Yet the issuing by the Cour Pénale Spéciale (CPS) a hybrid international criminal court of an arrest warrant in April for former President François Bozizé for crimes against humanity is no sign of a reverse in the trend...
Baba Laddé led an important armed group for years in the late 2000s and early 2010s and was a business partner of the then CAR president François Bozizé...
Zuma sent 400 soldiers to Bangui to help President François Bozizé unsuccessfully repel the invasion by the Séléka coalition which inflicted heavy casualties on the South Africans (AC Vol 54 No 2 With Zuma to Bangui)...
Local militias that belonged to the Séléka alliance that overthrew President François Bozizé in 2013 are waging a war of attrition against the Russians and their allies in the national army the Forces armées centrafricaines (FACA)...
He was a senior lawyer in the mining field under ex-President François Bozizé before becoming mining minister in 2011...
In late 2020 fighting broke out after ex-President François Bozizé was excluded from the end-of-year polls and Ndiaye could not honour his promise to provide security for the elections...
Touadéra replied that Chad was harbouring his opponents including former President François Bozizé...
The European Union France the United States and UN peacekeepers in the Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation en République centrafricaine (Minusca) swallowed Touadéra's rigged election as an easier option than re-engaging with armed groups and the still ambitious former President François Bozizé (AC Vol 61 No 15 Clash of the leaders)...