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Paul Makonda

Displaying 1-6 out of 6 results.

Back to bulldozer politics

In October 2023 Samia appointed Paul Makonda as the ruling party's Ideology and Publicity Secretary...

The return of the hard men

The outspoken Paul Makonda who has just been appointed to a key ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) post is fast emerging as the leader of a new dawn for resurgent loyalists of the late 'bulldozer' President John Magufuli and the Lake Zone regions especially Geita and Mwanza from which they hail (see Box Paul Makonda another bulldozer in the making)...

Paul Makonda another bulldozer in the making Born in Mwanza Region in 1982 Paul Christian Makonda is a tough looking no-nonsense populist with an abrasive leadership style...

Unpopularity contest

The diplomats including the envoys of the United States and the United Kingdom objected to the detention of journalist Erick Kabendera who has since been released and the US banned Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner and key Magufuli ally Paul Makonda from travelling to the US citing 'gross violations of human rights which include the flagrant denial of the right to life liberty or the security of persons'...

Cashew crisis grinds on

An exception was former minister Nape Nnauye MP for a cashew-producing constituency in Lindi who was sacked by Magufuli for criticising the controversial Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Paul Makonda one of Magufuli's key allies (AC Vol 59 No 7 Enemies without and within)...

Laying down the law

The former Minister for Information Culture Arts and Sports lost his post after his inquiry into the behaviour of Regional Commissioner Paul Makonda Magufuli's enforcer in Dar es Salaam (AC Vol 58 No 7 Magufuli backs hard man)...

Magufuli backs hard man

The policy blew up in Magufuli's face when Dar es Salaam RC Paul Makonda stormed into a Clouds FM Media TV studio in mid-March accompanied by armed men...

Displaying 1-6 out of 6 results.