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Lev Avnerovich Leviev

Date of Birth: 30 July 1956

Displaying 31-33 out of 33 results.

Tracking Angola's gems

Monopoly rights to buy diamonds have since January belonged to Ascorp in which Sodiam holds its 51 per cent stake alongside Belgian dealers and an Israeli-Russian Lev Leviev...

Gems and guns

Paris-based arms trader Arkady Gaydamek has bought 15 per cent of Lev Leviev's Africa-Israel company as part of arrangements to settle some of Angola's military debt...

Cleaning diamonds

a month include the Catoca kimberlite mine a consortium of the state diamond company the Empresa Nacional de Diamantes de Angola (Endiama) Odebrecht of Brazil Alrosa of Russia and Lev Leviev a Russian-Israeli entrepreneur...

Displaying 31-33 out of 33 results.