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Dan Gertler

Date of Birth: 23 December 1973

Displaying 41-50 out of 79 results.

A government of few talents

She is the wife of former Mines Minister Simon Tuma-Waku who is now Chairman of Kamoto Copper and used to be a partner of Israeli businessman Dan Gertler...

Keeping an eye on oil

The government will be pleased to see the back of Bahati an embarrassment when he headed the audit subcommittee of Parliament’s Economic and Financial Commission and called for transparency in the sale of state mining assets to Israeli businessman Dan Gertler (AC Vol 51 No 5 Hush hush money & Vol 52 No 23 Bargain mine sales draw fire)...

Condé looks East and West

Glencore has acquired mining rights in Congo-Kinshasa in partnership with Israeli businessman Dan Gertler...

Office politics

Kabila is known to be close to Israeli billionaire Dan Gertler who owns many mineral interests in Congo-Kinshasa...

The Glencore-Xstrata merger

Glencore’s edge was its ability to deploy capital quickly in a high-risk country and take on a controversial partner in Dan Gertler the Congo mining magnate who retains a minority stake in Katanga (AC Vol 52 No 16 Mutatis mutandis)...

The trouble after Katumba

At the funeral wake on 13 February in Kinshasa for Augustin Katumba Mwanke were two men whose careers had critically depended on him: President Joseph Kabila Kabange and mining magnate Dan Gertler...

Katumba also arranged a preferential deal for IDI Diamonds a gem trader owned by his Israeli friend Dan Gertler...

No confidence vote from companies

FQM claimed that its property had been compulsorily acquired by the state and sold on dirt cheap to Israeli businessman Dan Gertler (an associate of Kabila’s) then sold on again to ENRC...

One election, two countries

Other questionable deals involve the Israeli entrepreneur Dan Gertler by means of a company registered in Kazakhstan again involving a huge loss to the Congolese state (AC Vol 52 No 23 Bargain mine sales draw fire)...

Bargain mine sales draw fire

Highwind is believed to be associated with the controversial Israeli businessman Dan Gertler who is one of Kabila’s staunchest and richest supporters...

Mutatis mutandis

Mystery surrounds a sale by the state-owned Générale des Carrières et des Mines to a company linked to Dan Gertler a close friend of President Joseph Kabila...

As a major shareholder Glencore could have exercised its right to buy a bigger stake and block the sale of Gécamines’ 20% stake to Rowny Assets a company linked to Israel’s Dan Gertler International (DGI) but did not...

Displaying 41-50 out of 79 results.