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Dan Gertler

Date of Birth: 23 December 1973

Displaying 21-30 out of 79 results.

The China price

Core GertlerAt the heart of Glencore's problems in Congo-K is the fact that its assets were acquired with the assistance of the Israeli businessman Dan Gertler who was placed on a US sanctions list in December 2017...


Tshisekedi tries his luck

An equally embarrassing hangover from the Kabila years is Dan Gertler the Israeli billionaire who partnered with Glencore and ERG in their Congolese mines...

Contradictions in the contracts

Years of reporting by United Nations Expert Panels and journalists in Kinshasa have uncovered the clandestine networks in the country's industrial copper and cobalt mining sector with companies including Glencore and Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (ENRC) – now Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) – shown to have secured their local assets through business relationships with the Israeli billionaire businessman Dan Gertler (AC Vol 59 No 5 Kabila's survival strategy & Vol 59 No 17 Kabila's two-front offensive)...

Kabila's two-front offensive

Officials in Kinshasa are examining Katumbi's connections to Zambian-Senegalese businessman Abdoulaye Ndiaye a prominent figure in Zambia's gem-mining sector who is a joint venture partner of Israeli-Russian oligarch Lev Leviev a bitter business rival of Kabila's best billionaire friend the controversial Israeli mining magnate Dan Gertler...

Making the miners sweat

Glencore also faces a tricky tango with former partner Dan Gertler who is suing the company for billions of dollars relating to unpaid royalties from KCC and the Mutanda mine...

Kabila's survival strategy

The Ugandan President is also keeping tabs on what the Congolese will do next with oil concessions in the Lake Albert area controlled by the Israeli businessman and key Kabila ally Dan Gertler who was sanctioned in December by the US Treasury Department (AC Vol 59 No 1 The electoral mirage & Vol 59 No 4 Kabila squeezes the miners)...

Skeletons in the cupboard

Och-Ziff's joint venture created in 2008 which invested in Israeli mining magnate Dan Gertler's operations in Congo-Kinshasa could also come under the magnifying glass...

The electoral mirage

The Americans raised the stakes on 21 December when President Donald Trump sanctioned Dan Gertler an Israeli billionaire who is friends with Kabila and has acted as a gatekeeper for major deals in mining and oil (AC Vol 58 No 5 An awkward tango for Gertler and Glencore)...

Desperation and inspiration

FTI also worked with Dan Gertler similarly exposed to charges over mining deals linked to his close friend Congo-Kinshasa President Joseph Kabila (AC Vol 58 No 5 An awkward tango for Gertler and Glencore)...

Displaying 21-30 out of 79 results.