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Dan Gertler

Date of Birth: 23 December 1973

Displaying 1-10 out of 79 results.

US mulls Gertler deal to secure minerals

The US government has proposed a deal with Israeli mining magnate Dan Gertler that would enable Gertler to sell his remaining royalty streams in Congolese mining assets and exit the country – significantly easing sanctions against him...

In 2017 the United States Treasury Department put Israeli businessman Dan Gertler under sanctions for 'hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of opaque and corrupt mining and oil deals' in Congo-K in which he acted as a middleman – a position acquired thanks to his friendship with President Joseph Kabila...


Gertler's end

Israeli magnate Dan Gertler's near 25-year stint at the heart of Congo-Kinshasa's mining industry is drawing to a close after he confirmed his agreement to a settlement with President Félix Tshisekedi's government that 'marks the end of Mr...

In a statement issued on Gertler's behalf on 14 April Gertler confirmed that he had 'entered into the settlement in good faith and at a significant financial cost relinquishing control of assets worth more than US$2 billion (AC Vol 63 No 6 President Tshisekedi cuts a deal with Dan Gertler)...


Horse-trading risks poll delay

The government has just received $180m in damages from Glencore whose middleman Dan Gertler who is under United States Treasury sanctions has been accorded protection by the regime after agreeing to return some of the oil and mining assets that he acquired during the Kabila years...

Settlement hits another bump

While there was nothing about Glencore's most notorious scandal its multibillion-dollar dealings with Dan Gertler in Congo-Kinshasa the 'information' gave intriguing details about a bribe paid to a Congolese judge to rig a lawsuit brought by a medical services company...

ENRC tests Serious Fraud Office

These include a US$37 million cash withdrawal by associates of notorious fixer Dan Gertler for 'operating expenses' from the Kolwezi copper and cobalt project approved by ENRC's chairman and its Africa CEO (AC Vol 63 No 13 Gaps in Glencore's guilty plea)...

Tshisekedi helps Gertler in fight with US

A tentative and yet-to-be published arrangement backed by President Tshisekedi would allow Dan Gertler an Israeli mining magnate to keep royalty rights valued at billions of dollars...

The comments were made in the wake of a memorandum of understanding signed between Gertler and Congo-K last month and which seems designed to resolve Gertler's troubles with the US while allowing the Congolese authorities to claw back tainted assets (AC Vol 63 No 5 President Tshisekedi cuts a deal with Dan Gertler)...

President Tshisekedi cuts a deal with Dan Gertler

A multi-billion dollar corruption scandal over some of the world's most prized copper and cobalt mines is heading towards dénouement after Congolese authorities signed what they called 'a friendly agreement' with the man at the centre of it all: Israeli mining magnate Dan Gertler...

Displaying 1-10 out of 79 results.