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Wafula Wanyonyi Chebukati

Date of Birth: 1961
Place of Birth: Bungoma County

Displaying 1-10 out of 29 results.

Raila names his price

The commission has been inactive since the retirement over a year ago of its chair Wafula Chebukati who proclaimed Ruto the winner of the 2022 presidential polls and the dismissal of the four commissioners who rejected Chebukati's handling of the election results (AC Vol 63 No 17 Election chief proclaims Ruto victory but most of his commissioners dispute it)...

After the general crashes, a reshuffle

Kindiki claimed that Ogolla knew the results and sought to intimidate Wafula Chebukati chair of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) into declaring Odinga the winner of the August 2022 presidential elections...

Re-opening the commission's wounds

The much-maligned IEBC is largely unchanged from 2022 though Wafula Chebukati its chair who declared Ruto the winner stood down a year ago (AC Vol 63 No 17 Election chief proclaims Ruto victory but most of his commissioners dispute it)...

Cross-party talks open, carrots provided

Top of its agenda will be the reconstruction of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission and the auditing of the 2022 August general election which saw Ruto narrowly elected ahead of Odinga despite a group of IEBC commissioners breaking ranks and accusing the then chairman Wafula Chebukati of electoral fraud (AC Vol 63 No 17 Election chief proclaims Ruto victory but most of his commissioners dispute it & Vol 64 No 3 Electoral Commission goes on trial again)...

Jobs for the spouses

Cronyism is nothing new in Kenyan politics and the latest move to raise eyebrows was President William Ruto's decision this week to nominate Mary Chebukati Wanyonyi wife of former Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairman Wafula Chebukati to chair the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA)...

Electoral Commission goes on trial again

Three vacancies arose when the terms of the commission's chairman Wafula Chebukati and two commissioners Boya Molu and Abdi Guliye - all supporters of Ruto – expired on 17 January...


Ruto hits back at dissident electoral commissioners

That meant a majority of the seven-member commission opposed the August results but they were overruled by Wafula Chebukati the chairman of the electoral commission described by Ruto as 'my hero' who is himself due to retire on 17 January...


Ruto and Odinga loyalists battle over election body

Wafula Chebukati the chairman of Kenya's Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is due to retire on 17 January but the opposition's critiques of the organisation – and questions about the integrity of the August elections – will not end there...


Freedom for Ruto allies as prosecutors drop corruption cases

Besides politicians eyeing rewards for their contribution to President Ruto's victory those undergoing interviews for the 49 Principal Secretary posts include Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Commissioner Boya Molu and Mary Chebukati the wife of IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati...


The judges endorse Ruto's rout

The most obvious strength of the petitioners' cases – the four commissioners who disowned the results announced by Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairman Wafula Chebukati on 15 August – turned out to be a weakness...

Displaying 1-10 out of 29 results.