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Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed (Farmajo)

Date of Birth: 11 March 1962
Place of Birth: Mogadishu

Displaying 1-10 out of 90 results.

Mogadishu gives the UN marching orders

That annoyed Somali President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' who reversed the decision stoking another row in Mogadishu (AC Vol 63 No 3 The on-off elections are back on)...

Politicking hinders the war effort

Farmajo is backPoliticking is taking over political circles in Mogadishu amid parliamentary debates and the combative return of ex-President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' after several months in Qatar and Turkey...

Back to the military drawing board

The consensus among politicians too was that letting the jihadis rule was not an option although ex-President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' and his former prime minister Hassan Ali Khaire (who is Hawiye/Murusade) and their allies did not comment...

President launches anti-graft campaign

The tortuous process of appointing President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo''s successor got in the way until May last year when Hassan Sheikh took over...

Mogadishu weighs the ups and downs of its anti-jihadist fight

In Gedo where Marehan predominate Madobe is afraid that supporters of his old enemy President Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed 'Farmajo' who are involved in recruiting for the Ma'wisley multi-clan militia are more interested in fighting him than Al Shabaab (AC Vol 63 No 23 Al Shabaab lashes out after heavy losses)...

Clashes damage recognition campaign

This is important for the silent battle taking place in parliament between him and the former president Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed 'Farmajo' and his one-time prime minister Hassan Ali Khaire...

Trouble ahead for Hassan Sheikh's united front

A year ago donors were ready to negotiate with the jihadists but now they see Hassan Sheikh as a better prospect and are re-engaging with the federal government after three years of frosty relations with President Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed 'Farmajo'...

Al Shabaab lashes out after heavy losses

' The government agreement with Coastline was first announced in February by oil minister Abdirashid Mahamed Ahmed but he was immediately countermanded by President Mohammed Abdullah Mohammed 'Farmajo' and his prime minister Mohammed Hussein Roble – an unusual case of the two men agreeing...

Displaying 1-10 out of 90 results.