President Donald Trump played his part on behalf of Bechtel in August 2018 by inviting Kenyatta to the White House for a bilateral meeting although little progress was made (AC Vol 59 No 18 Turning down the volume)...
The LNA too has its foreign backers: Egypt the United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia and to a lesser extent France Russia and – seemingly since mid-April – United States President Donald Trump...
Tunisians have been wondering whether local media magnate and television 'champion of the poor' Nabil Karoui could emerge as a Donald Trump figure leveraging his celebrity to take over the presidency for which he is one of the few candidates to have declared (AC Vol 60 No 3 Eight years of transition)...
There have also been reports that Jared Kushner senior adviser to his father-in-law US President Donald Trump did a deal whereby the US would back Saudi diplomacy and strategy in the Middle East and North Africa...
He is spending $30 000 on Washington DC lobbyists Fein and DelValle to try to persuade United States President Donald Trump's administration and the US Congress not to recognise President Muhammadu Buhari's re-election victory...
The Mnangagwa government has also hired Ballard Partners a Washington-based lobbying company with links to President Donald Trump on a $500 000 contract...
For example the effort and resources spent in getting Atiku a visa waiver to visit Washington DC stay in Donald Trump's hotel and meet a few low-level United States officials looks to have been misplaced...
The claim of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle against Israel is unusual for Al Qaida groups which have shown little empathy with the Palestinian cause and sits oddly with the fact that US President Donald Trump's decision dated back to December 2017...
Vol 60 No 4 |
This stands in marked contrast to United States President Donald Trump's administration...
That was followed by a trip to Khartoum on 18 February by Cyril Sartor Special Assistant to US President Donald Trump and Africa Director at the National Security Council and meetings with Foreign Minister El Dirdeiry Mohamed Ahmed and Beshir's Special Assistant Faisal Hassan...