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United States

Donald John Trump

Date of Birth: 14 June 1946
Place of Birth: New York City

Displaying 131-140 out of 206 results.

Peace deal wheelspin

The Donald Trump administration's newfound interest in the peace deal also puzzles America's allies since the US had largely disengaged from the peace process...

Trump talks peace

Ever since Donald Trump's arrival in the White House Washington's response to the Libyan crisis has been minimal other than missile strikes by the United States Africa Command (Africom) on Da'ish fighters and other terrorists mainly in the south...

Two-track talks on the grand dam

The meeting follows Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el Sisi's request to President Donald Trump to mediate in the dispute but Ethiopia's Foreign Ministry insists the talks cannot be called 'mediation' because Ethiopia will merely be reasserting its earlier position...


Washington’s man wades in

   Likewise on the political front there was a lengthy hiatus during which the Donald Trump administration took a back seat in international efforts to find a solution to the Libyan crisis...

Out of contract

Except that Karoui insists that he has no knowledge of the contract which promised to secure meetings with United States President Donald Trump and Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin ahead of the first round of Presidential elections on 15 September in which Karoui finished second as well as 'material support for the push for the Presidency' followed by 'full support and investments from US companies for your economy' after Karoui's election...

Executive exerts its privilege

They have hired Kobre & Kim DCI Group and Black Diamond Strategies lobbyists in Washington DC close to President Donald Trump's administration...

Proxies battle over Tripoli

The LNA has drawn comfort from perceived support from France Russia and now from United States President Donald Trump while Italy and the United Kingdom firmly back the GNA...


The Crown Prince’s power play

Long obsessed with thwarting the Muslim Brotherhood MBZ's influence was apparent in United States President Donald Trump's recent suggestions that the MB might be designated as a terrorist organisation...

AGOA no go

Neither Africa nor President Donald Trump's administration is happy with it (AC Vol 58 No 14 No last trump for AGOA)...

Displaying 131-140 out of 206 results.