The two countries along with Morocco are part of a select group of states in which former President Donald Trump showed any interest in boosting political or economic ties...
Having signalled his preference to scrap the African Growth and Opportunity Act due to expire in 2025 and which offers tariff-free access for most African exports to the US former President Donald Trump had promised Kenya its own trade deal with the United States...
Vol 62 No 9 |
Gertler has been under US sanctions for grand corruption since December 2017 secretly suspended under Donald Trump just before he left office and then reimposed by President Joe Biden's administration in March (AC Vol 62 No 5 Bank officials 'expose money-laundering network' & Vol 61 No 16 Fury greets Gertler report)...
By making many of Washington's top diplomatic appointments within three months of the 20 January inauguration Biden and Blinken hope to restore the State Department's morale battered during the Donald Trump era...
In January it emerged that outgoing US President Donald Trump had secretly suspended sanctions against Israeli businessman Dan Gertler accused by the Treasury Department of grand corruption in Congo-Kinshasa...
President Joe Biden has been in no rush to engage with the Egyptian authorities nor with other Middle Eastern leaders who had gained Donald Trump's favour...
Fresh from being elevated to the Legion of Merit by Donald Trump for his 'Abraham Accords' policy of normalisation with Israel King Mohammed VI has reason to be concerned by a Democratic administration (AC Vol 62 No 2 The King's quiet gong)...
Vol 62 No 5 |
The revelations come a month after it emerged that Gertler had negotiated an unprecedented licence from officials in the outgoing Donald Trump administration suspending the sanctions for a year...
IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva supported an unconditional SDR issuance 'to boost reserves of all members' when the Covid-19 pandemic broke but former US President Donald Trump and Mnuchin blocked the move with help from last year's G20 president Saudi Arabia (AC Vol 61 No 7 Third wave threatens the continent)...
Vol 62 No 4 |
Surveying these developments United States President Joe Biden's administration has been trying to dampen down regional tensions by dropping some of the more contentious positions adopted under Donald Trump's presidency (AC Vol 61 No 24 War resets the region)...