SLM/A-Minni: faction led by Minni Arkou Minnawi founding SLM Secretary General; Zaghawa schoolteacher...
The two signatories the Sudan government and Minni Arkou Minnawi's wing of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) have launched offensives against the rebel groups that refused to sign (AC Vol 47 No 10)...
The value of the Darfur peace deal which was signed in Abuja on 5 May between the Sudan government and Minni Arkou Minnawi's faction of the rebel Sudan Liberation Movement/Army rests mainly on the political support it could lend to efforts to send an international peacekeeping force to protect civilians in the war-ravaged region...
His brother Dawsa Déby and half-brother Timane Déby along with Tom and Timane Erdimi (the pillars of his regime until 2004) are close to Minni Arkou Minnawi's wing of the Sudan Liberation Army and especially to Khalil Ibrahim Mohamed's JEM...
In late January some Darfur insurgent groups (Khalil Ibrahim Mohamed's Justice and Equality Movement Minni Arkou Minnawi's wing of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army - both Zaghawa-dominated - plus smaller groups) signed an alliance in N'Djamena hoping to protect themselves by helping Déby...
The reserve list also includes rival SLA leaders Abdel Wahid Mohamed el Nur and Minni Arkou Minnawi...
Khartoum was keen on Tripoli until Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi's son Seif el Islam recently gave Minni Arkoi Minnawi's wing of the Sudan Liberation Army substantial relief donations and 57 Landcruisers...
Chairman Abdel Wahid Mohamed Ahmed el Nur and Secretary General Minni Arkou Minnawi no longer represented the commanders in the field they declared...
Its Chairman is Fur lawyer Abdel Wahid Mohamed Ahmed el Nur its Secretary General is Minni Arkou Minnawi (Zaghawa) and his Deputy is Mansur (Messalit)...