It has also hit Minni Arkou Minnawi's wing of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) although it still has fighters in Darfur...
Despite Khartoum's claims about peace Abdel Wahed Mohamed Ahmed el Nur's Sudan Liberation Movement-Abdel Wahed is still holed up in Jebel Marra and Minni Arkou Minnawi's SLM-MAM is still dug in somewhere near the Libyan border...
The aim of the referendum was to turn Darfur into 'tribal enclaves' according to Trayo Ahmed Ali the External Relations Secretary of Minni Arkou Minnawi's wing of the Sudan Liberation Movement...
On 17 October in Paris JEM's boss declared himself SRF Chairman backed by his former rivals from the Sudan Liberation Movement factions Abdel Wahed Mohamed Ahmed el Nur and Minni Arkou Minnawi but in defiance of agreed SRF procedure (AC Vol 56 No 21 Dialogue of empty chairs)...
However Darfur leaders Abdel Wahed Mohamed Ahmed el Nur (Sudan Liberation Movement-AW) Minni Arkou Minnawi (SLM-MAM) and Gibreel Ibrahim Mohamed (Justice and Equality Movement) were unable for years to agree on a candidate...
• SLM split on ethnic lines 2004: Secretary General Minni Arkou Minnawi a Zaghawa formed SLM/A-MAM (or -MM); only rebel group to sign DPA 2006; Minni became Assistant to President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir and Chairman Transitional Darfur Regional Authority; DPA failed and in December 2010 he rejoined the rebellion; three factions formed and main one SLM-MM joined SRF in 2011; latest reported clashes with SAF in May North Darfur...
JEM's ambitions don't go down well with the other SRF members which began in Darfur – the two Sudan Liberation Movement wings under Abdel Wahed Mohamed Ahmed el Nur and SRF Co-Deputy Chairman Minni Arkou Minnawi...
The other two signatories Minni Arkou Minnawi as a Deputy Chairman of the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) and El Sadig el Sideeg el Mahdi head of the National Umma Party are already in exile in Uganda and Egypt respectively (AC Vol 55 No 23 Security leaks and party splits)...
• SRF: armed opposition coalition led by Malik Agar Eyre Abdel Aziz Adam el Hilu and Nasr el Din el Hadi el Mahdi; components: SPLM/Army-Northern Sector (SPLM/A-N): Malik and Abdel Aziz; Sudan Liberation Movement/Army-AW: Abdel Wahed Mohamed Ahmed el Nur; SLM/A-MM: Minni Arkou Minnawi; Justice and Equality Movement (JEM): Jibreel Ibrahim Mohamed; Beja Congress: Mohamed Abu Amna; BC-Corrective: Zeinab Kabbashi...
Only one Darfur group the Sudan Liberation Movement of Minni Arkou Minnawi signed the 2006 Abuja agreement with the NCP but it is now a key SRF member...