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Yahya Abdul-Aziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh

Date of Birth: 25/05/1965
Place of Birth: Kanilai, Gambia

Displaying 81-90 out of 102 results.

Death on the river

New troubles face President Yahya Jammeh following the shooting of 13 student demonstrators in early April (AC Vol 41 No 8)...

Wade makes his mark

As soon as he came to power he visited Bissau's new President Kumba Yalla then went to Gambia to visit President Yahya Jammeh who also fancied himself as a mediator because of his ethnic affinity with the Diola people of lower Casamance...

Students shot

It could be a turning point for President Yahya Jammeh's regime already battered this year by allegations of corruption...

Friends of Sani

President Yahya Jammeh's office had hired Chantrils to market 20 000 barrels a day of oil given by General Sani Abacha from August 1996 until he died in June 1998...

Postponing the new order

Interfering in internal affairsPresident Yahya Jammeh resents any Commonwealth intrusion into his Gambian mini-state...

Tougher talk

Longer standing coup-makers such as Togo's Gnassingbé Eyadéma and Gambia's Yahya Jammeh whose elections and attempts to legitimise their rule haven't won international acceptance are off the hook...

Treaty testing

A visit by the MFDC's figurehead Father Augustin Diamacouné Senghor (who in January welcomed a conciliatory speech by President Abdou Diouf) to Gambia's President Yahya Jammeh was cancelled...

Pre-millenial tension

This comes amid new suspicions in Dakar that Yahya Jammeh's regime in Gambia usually circumspect in its relations with Dakar has had closer links with Mane's men than at first appeared...

    Vol 39 No 16 |
  • MALI

Money doubling

Sissoko has close and mutually beneficial links with Gambian Head of State Colonel Yahya Jammeh and holds a Gambian diplomatic passport...

Mane fights on

In turn Vieira accuses Portugal and Gambia of backing Mane's rebels: his supporters say Lisbon is upset by Bissau's apparent desertion of the Lusophone cause while Yahya Jammeh' s regime in Banjul maintains close ties with the Casamance separatists...

Displaying 81-90 out of 102 results.