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Yahya Abdul-Aziz Jemus Junkung Jammeh

Date of Birth: 25/05/1965
Place of Birth: Kanilai, Gambia

Displaying 51-60 out of 102 results.

Bad medicine

President Yahya Jammeh is unhappy when foreign journalists betray scepticism about his proclaImed cure for AIDS...

Two peas in a pod

On good terms with both President Abdoulaye Wade and Gambia's President Yahya Jammeh who has just organised his own re-election Sylla helped Conté's old friend João Bernardo 'Nino' Vieira with his successful election bid in Guinea Bissau...

Crossing the river

Dakar wants to know where Sadio is ­ and Gambia's President Yahya Jammeh will not say...

Easy for Jammeh

The two rival alliances stand almost no chance against President Yahya Jammeh in the national elections on 22 September given his iron grip on the organisation of the polls and his threats to independent judges...

Democratic deficits

After spending US$22 million on the African Union (AU) summit last month President Yahya Jammeh has called a snap election on 22 September...

Posturing outweighs the policy

Much of the problem lay with its lightweight host President Yahya Jammeh whose lack of knowledge about the substantive issues in Sudan and Somalia was matched by AU Chairman Denis Sassou Nguesso's unwillingness to take initiatives...

Pomp and patronage

For host President Yahya Jammeh the Banjul summit was the most successful African Union meeting ever...

AU friends

The charge sheet against Gambian President Yahya Jammeh includes oppression and grand corruption but cannot match that of Sudan's Islamist regime which entertained its guests in January while conducting mass murder and ethnic cleansing...

The hostile host

After announcing on 22 March that his doughty security agents had foiled yet another coup plot the tenth in twelve years President Yahya Jammeh returned to Banjul under cover of darkness amid heavy security...

Human wrongs

Sassou-Nguesso and Colonel Yahya Jammeh due to host the next summit in Banjul in June) took power through coups d'état...

Displaying 51-60 out of 102 results.