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Burkina Faso

Roch Marc Christian Kaboré

Date of Birth: 25 April 1957
Place of Birth: Ouagadougou

Displaying 11-20 out of 55 results.

Another domino falls to the military

In different ways jihadist insurgents linked to Al Qaida and Da'ish (Islamic State or ISIS) and the Wagner Group have been boosted by the fall of Roch Marc Christian Kaboré's government on 24 January (AC Vol 63 No 1 Jihadist terror tops the agenda)...

Both the deposed civilian presidents in Burkina Faso and Mali Roch Marc Christian Kaboré and the late Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta were within their constitutionally-allowed limit of two terms of office...

Jihadist terror tops the agenda

President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré courts intense public anger over the lack of progress in the fight against terrorism and even risks being ousted in an army coup if things do not improve...

French lessons from Kabul

He has extensively consulted Sahelian partners particularly his trusted allies Presidents Mohamed Bazoum Mohamed Ould Cheikh el Ghazouani and Roch Kaboré of Niger Mauritania and Burkina Faso respectively over the shape of the redeployment (AC Vol 62 No 15 Burkina without Barkhane)...


Burkina without Barkhane

At the beginning of July a furious public reaction to the atrocity led President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré to sack Defence Minister Cherif Sy and Security Minister Ousseni Compaoré and take the portfolios for himself...

Sankara's ghost

As President Roch Kaboré's government argues about the treatment of exiled former president Blaise Compaoré the military courts seem determined to throw the book at him...

Blaise plots comeback

Eddie Komboïgo Compaoré's political heir and leader of his ruling party the Congrès pour la démocratie et le progrès (CDP) has said that President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré made him a personal promise to facilitate the former leader's return from exile 'within six months' on the understanding that Compaoré stays out of politics...

Not so Roch solid

The Commission électorale nationale indépendante (CENI) led by former journalist Newton Ahmed Barry had just formally given President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré 57...

Parties campaign as jihadists advance

The ruling Mouvement du peuple pour le progrès (MPP) decided to no great surprise in July to declare the president Roch Marc Christian Kaboré its candidate for the forthcoming poll...

Crisis summit as insurgents head south

France's President Emmanuel Macron and Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez each made their first post-lockdown foreign trips to the summit along with African Union Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat to join regional presidents: Burkina Faso's Roch Marc Christian Kaboré; Chad's Idris Déby Itno; Mali's Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta; Niger's Mahamadou Issoufou; Mauritania's Ghazouani...

Displaying 11-20 out of 55 results.