Smiling broadly and sporting his trademark northern smock on 7 September John Mahama submitted his application in Accra to stand again as the governing party's presidential candidate in next year's election...
Worse still for President John Dramani Mahama's government power shortages are increasing amid a torrent of other problems: rising inflation and interest rates falling economic growth and a weakening currency together with the threat of deep cuts in public spending and job losses...
Vol 55 No 22 |
President John Mahama's government faces a tough choice between deep cuts in recurrent costs – with wage cuts and redundancies on the state payroll – and abandoning some much needed capital investment to develop power and water services said an official close to the talks...
Prospects for a deal have been complicated by a statement from President John Dramani Mahama that Ghana would struggle to agree to the IMF's demand for a three-year freeze in public sector wages...
Yankey has promised President John Mahama that it will be fully operational by December...
Behind the smiles in Washington when President John Mahama and United States Secretary of State John Kerry signed a US$500 million credit on 5 August lay growing concern about Ghana's economy...
His Vice-President John Dramani Mahama took over amid a wave of sympathy then went on to win the 2012 elections narrowly but his National Democratic Congress (NDC) government has been dragged down this year by a series of economic and political missteps...
Although the judges confirmed John Mahama's victory in the presidential election they pointed to several areas of the electoral system that needed reform and much closer oversight...
Opposition activists like to portray President John Dramani Mahama as a kind of latter day Wizard of Oz appearing to preside over a functioning government and thriving economy when in reality there is just chaos and confusion behind the curtain...
Economic fires For the next two years President John Mahama and the National Democratic Congress government will have to spend most of their time putting out economic fires...
Vol 55 No 2 |
Some believe that President John Mahama will back a crackdown on state spending over the next 18 months...