Perhaps the strongest similarity between Lungu and Museveni is the tendency of the Ugandan leader to occasionally lock up opposition leader Kizza Besigye on treason charges...
An increasingly public rift has opened between Forum for Democratic Change leader Kizza Besigye and the celebrated journalist Andrew Mujuni Mwenda...
Mumbere is thought to have ties to opposition leader Kizza Besigye and has demanded a greater share of oil revenue for his kingdom...
Kizza Besigye the FDC's four-time defeated presidential candidate sees his party as a 'liberation movement' that has to use every peaceful means to popularise its cause: demonstrations grassroots mobilisation parliamentary debates and standing in elections...
The 1 July decision to drop some of the lesser charges against Ugandan opposition leader Kizza Besigye came as no surprise to most people since the entire case against him is widely regarded as trumped up...
Uganda's veteran opposition leader Kizza Besigye pointed to several implausible results in the ruling party's homelands...
At the peak of his campaign Museveni was criss-crossing the country in a private helicopter holding rally after rally while his opponents were left to traipse for miles along potholed roads leading FDC leader Kizza Besigye to beg electors to pray that it wouldn't break his back...
Now that President Yoweri Museveni has secured his re-election with his customary mixture of patronage and intimidation opposition leader Kizza Besigye and his Forum for Democratic Change have launched a grassroots 'Campaign of Defiance' against the results...
The Ugandan elections had been proceeding with less strife and acrimony than usual when they suddenly reverted to type on 13 February when the opposition Forum for Democratic Change leader Kizza Besigye found himself once more tear-gassed and handcuffed (AC Vol 57 No 3 How the next election will be won)...
Museveni is further helped by a divided opposition that has split the vote between former Security Minister John Patrick Amama Mbabazi and opposition stalwart Kizza Besigye of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC)...