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United States

Susan Elizabeth Rice

Date of Birth: 17/11/1964
Place of Birth: Washington D.C., United States

Displaying 41-50 out of 62 results.

Battle lines in Washington and Africa

Annus horribilis The Washington conference was partly Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Susan Rice’s response to an annus horribilis in Africa...

But African governments rejected such cherry-picking and the African diplomatic corps went to work with Susan Rice’s Africa bureau and a small secretariat to organise in a matter of weeks a substantive conference...

Washington Who's Who

Few are indifferent about Washington’s Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Susan Rice who inspires critics and loyalists in almost equal measure...

The wages of war

The RCD leadership still pays regular visits to Kigali where Wamba dia Wamba and Foreign Affairs spokesperson Bizima Karaha met earlier this month with United States' Assistant Secretary of State Susan Rice...

Annan and Africa

So there was a warm welcome for the visit to Kinshasa by US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Susan Rice in the week ending 31 October...

Turning the tide

Meanwhile the USA whose Assistant Secretary for Africa Susan Rice finished her seven nation Congo-peace mediation effort on 4 November was telling the rebels that in the interests of post-war stability total victory was out of the question...

In the badlands

On 16 September the United States' Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Susan Rice said her government regarded the intervention in Congo of Angola Namibia and Zimbabwe as ‘destabilising and very dangerous as well'...

After the rains

Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Susan Rice visited Italy in the week ending 19 September to ask it to use its good offices with Eritrea to try to get talks started; a joint communiqué asked both sides not to resume military activity while the OAU mediation remained on the table...

War drums sounding

In the interim the role of Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Susan Rice is likely to become more important...

The President who never was

They visited Abiola on the evening of 6 June just before it was announced that US Under-Secretary for Political Affairs Thomas Pickering and Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Susan Rice would be allowed to meet him on the following day...

Long war, quick fix

In fact it has just strengthened this policy by appointing Gayle Smith to Susan Rice's old job as Special Assistant to the President for African Affairs...

Displaying 41-50 out of 62 results.