At the same time Egypt is wooing the regime of President Issayas Afewerki in order to put pressure on Ethiopia to compromise on its plans for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) which Cairo sees as a threat to the Nile (AC Vol 57 No 14 Dam fine)...
Long isolated in the Horn of Africa Eritrean President Issayas Afewerki is expanding his alliances and horizons...
During a deadly drought in 2006 President Issayas Aferworki expelled American British and Irish non-governmental organisations from the country earning international condemnation...
After a failed coup in January 2013 President Issayas Aferworki moved to secure his regime by cracking down on dissent and radically restructuring the military (AC Vol 54 No 4 Issayas staggers a little)...
Vol 56 No 10 |
Once a close friend of President Issayas Afeworki Debessai was sent to prison for corruption released and then gaoled again...
Saudi Arabian securocrats are working closely with Guelleh we hear because they are worried by reports of visits by senior Houthi officials from Yemen and Iranian Revolutionary Guards to President Issayas Afeworki in neighbouring Eritrea...
The TPDM is now believed to carry out security duties for President Issayas Afeworki who no longer trusts his own forces after the Forto incident of January 2013 (AC Vol 54 No 4 Issayas staggers a little)...
Ethiopia will balance tensions at the current level: state and party media will be allowed to stoke up feeling against Issayas Aferworki and low-key support for the Eritrean opposition in Ethiopia will hold...
Washington made it clear that Mugabe would not be invited and nor would Sudan's Omer el Beshir or Eritrea's Issayas Aferworki...
Opposition groups in exile and communities in Australia Europe and North America are trying to take advantage of apparent signs of weakness in the ruling circle around ailing President Issayas Aferworki by coordinating fundraising efforts and political messages via social media and online forums...