It said the team had defected after interviewing President Issayas Afewerki who had criticised Sweden’s ‘lack of democracy’...
With the 16th anniversary of Eritrea's Independence on 24 May President Issayas Afewerki has given a string of interviews and criticised the AU's request for UN sanctions as 'utterly irresponsible' irritating AU leaders...
Vol 50 No 1 |
Renewal of the border conflict is highly unlikely but President Issayas Afewerki finds ‘no war no peace’ a useful way to keep control...
Vol 2 (AAC) No 1 |
In 2005 Eritrea’s President Issayas Afewerki visited the Pakistan Ordnance Factory and reports surfaced that Eritrea was receiving Pakistani arms...
Vol 49 No 17 |
Ethiopia argued that the virtual border had no legal status while Eritrean President Issayas Afewerki claimed it meant the EEBC's mandate was complete and there was no need for UNMEE to keep watch...
President Issayas Afewerki of Eritrea accused their sponsor the United Nations of trying to 'weaken the Somali resistance by dividing and weakening the Islamic Courts dividing and weakening the alliance and creating problems here and there...
Vol 49 No 11 |
After Djibouti complained that Eritrea had invaded President Issayas Afewerki responded on 19 May that this was 'a wild invention' with hidden foreign backing...
Eritrean President Issayas Afewerki's government accepted that line and again complained about Ethiopian occupation...
If it believes that the Abole oil site attack was directed by President Issayas Afeworki’s regime it can argue that it is the victim of an act of war and is justified in attacking Eritrea in self-defence...