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Edgar Chagwa Lungu

Date of Birth: 11/11/1956
Place of Birth: Ndola

Displaying 51-60 out of 106 results.

Squeaking in and cutting back

The PF poured in massive resources but only shaded victory by 816 votes on a turnout of only 30% in what many saw as a test of President Edgar Lungu's popularity...

Debt spike threatens reserves

At the same time the government faces a media storm over corruption scandals involving President Edgar Lungu...

Statements in a state State House official spokesman Amos Chanda has been energetically denying Africa Confidential's article about the US$500 million sovereign guarantee signed by President Edgar Lungu with South Africa's STAG company on behalf of the state electricity company Zesco (AC Vol 59 No 10 A swirling fog of debt)...

A swirling fog of debt

Creditors investors and the opposition believe President Edgar Lungu's management of national finances is plunging the country into a debt crisis...

One such is President Edgar Lungu himself who has signed a $500 million guarantee for a loan to state electricity company Zesco from South African company STAG Africa Confidential has learned (AC Vol 59 No 7 Into the valley of debt)...

As the debts balloon, Lungu avoids the spotlight

Amid growing concern that Zambia's debt has ballooned to unmanageable levels on his watch President Edgar Lungu keeps out of the international spotlight (AC Vol 59 No 7 Into the valley of debt)...

He has also written to President Edgar Lungu to request emergency funding which is likely to come from toll-gate revenues...


Into the valley of debt

They worry that President Edgar Lungu has no plans to halt the borrowing spree...

Patriotic Front insiders believe President Edgar Lungu is anxious to secure the support of the military as well as crack down on his critics in an increasingly oppressive atmosphere of surveillance and intimidation...

Judges to rule on Lungu's future

The Constitutional Court was ordered to resume hearings on whether or not President Edgar Lungu may serve a third term of office on 30 January...

'I did not apply for the position I am being considered for… The fact that I have been recognised by the Appointing Authority [President Edgar Lungu] is evidence of my competence and suitability ' Musaluke told the committee...

Lungu's costly power play

Whether or not President Edgar Lungu manages to convince the Constitutional Court that he is entitled to a further term in office when his current one ends in 2020 his determination to prolong his rule is clear...

Stumbling into a debt crisis

Fuelled by a hearty Chinese appetite for project finance in Africa an infrastructure development strategy begun under the late Michael Sata has turned into an extravagant spending spree under President Edgar Lungu...

Patriotic front on back foot

The governing Patriotic Front is looking more and more like a personal vehicle for President Edgar Lungu now that a splinter party with a strong footing in the Copperbelt has established itself...

Hichilema pushes for Commonwealth talks

Commonwealth Special Envoy Ibrahim Gambari is due in Lusaka this month to mediate in talks between President Edgar Lungu's ruling Patriotic Front (PF) and opposition parties as part of a Commonwealth initiative...

Displaying 51-60 out of 106 results.