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Côte d’Ivoire

Laurent Gbagbo

Date of Birth: 31 May 1945
Place of Birth: Mama village, near Gagnoa

Displaying 191-200 out of 264 results.

Through a glass very darkly

In a secret investigation Sierra Leone's Special Court has accused Taylor of breaking the terms of his asylum and plotting to overthrow the governments of Conté and of Laurent Gbagbo in Côte d'Ivoire (AC Vol 46 No 9)...

    Vol 46 No 10 |
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Faure's French friends

Côte d'Ivoire's Laurent Gbagbo relates to almost any beleaguered leader...

Twixt South Africa and France

Due to attend are President Laurent Gbagbo opposition leader Alassane Ouattara former President Henri Konan Bédié and Guillaume Soro leader of the ex-rebel Forces Nouvelles...

High noon

President Laurent Gbagbo is heading for another showdown with France...

Peace, or else

Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo pushed through the new laws required by the Marcoussis and Accra peace accords in time to ward off UN sanctions in December but still wants a referendum on the change to Article 35 of the constitution that will enable opposition leader Alassane Ouattara to stand for president...

At war with the peacekeepers

President Laurent Gbagbo may have helped that process along on 13 November when he sacked General Mathias Doué and replaced him with Colonel Philippe Mangou the Commander of the Yamoussoukro region who led the assault on the French base in Bouaké on 6 November...

No more 'comrade' Gbagbo

By bombing the French military base at Bouaké chasing French citizens out of Abidjan and burning down their schools in the capital President Laurent Gbagbo has wrecked one of his few remaining assets the backing of France's opposition Parti Socialiste (PS)...

Unlikely heirs

The harmony may not last but opponents of President Laurent Gbagbo are meeting in Paris to discuss uniting behind a single candidate in next year's elections...

Cocoa wars

If President Laurent Gbagbo still worries about what people think of him the row over the resignation of cocoa producers' leader Henri Amouzou has triggered some embarrassing revelations...

Displaying 191-200 out of 264 results.