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Côte d’Ivoire

Laurent Gbagbo

Date of Birth: 31 May 1945
Place of Birth: Mama village, near Gagnoa

Displaying 161-170 out of 264 results.

Blood chocolate

That would increase the profits for President Laurent Gbagbo's allies from sales to the multinational companies that buy West African cocoa...

The Bank test

Following the Ouagadougou peace accord of January 2007 (AC Vol 48 No 6) President Laurent Gbagbo started lobbying the ADB...

Under new management

He represented La Francophonie in Côte d'Ivoire forming a close relationship with President Laurent Gbagbo who came to Conakry ahead of Babangida's visit to lobby for Kouyaté...

All their own work

President Laurent Gbagbo likes the 4 March peace accord signed with rebel leader Guillaume Soro under the auspices of Burkina Faso's President Blaise Compaoré...

Chirac's last Cannes-Cannes

The main personal link of the PS with an African leader has been to a fellow member of the Socialist International Côte d'Ivoire's Laurent Gbagbo...

Buying time

President Laurent Gbagbo has bought some time but may not have enough cash to resolve the dispute concerning thousands of 2002/2003 recruits...

Strangers in the night

The daily Matin d'Abidjan close to Jeunes Patriotes' leader Charles Blé Goudé is already blaming the attack on General Mathias Doué the army chief who was sacked after President Laurent Gbagbo launched a failed attack against northern rebels in November 2004...

Annivesaries and elections

Côte d’Ivoire’s President Laurent Gbagbo is due to hold elections by October 2007 according to the agreement mediated by the United Nations...

Displaying 161-170 out of 264 results.