Vol 49 No 14 |
President Laurent Gbagbo assured representatives of the United Nations Security Council - on a flying visit to Abidjan on 9 June - that the November election deadline would hold...
Vol 49 No 14 |
On 13 June Tchimou announced the findings of an enquiry ordered by President Laurent Gbagbo the previous October prompted by accusations of money laundering linked to the CFA 9 bn...
Vol 49 No 9 |
The elections that were due in January are now scheduled for 30 November but the old bugbears that caused the delay have still not been laid to rest a year after the Ouagadougou peace agreement between President Laurent Gbagbo and the rebel leader Guillaume Soro...
Vol 49 No 8 |
President Laurent Gbagbo's government has refused to illuminate the occult practices of state petroleum revenue and production statistics; it fears that publishing the figures would only raise more questions about what happened to the money...
Vol 49 No 1 |
COTE D'IVOIRE: President Laurent Gbagbo says a presidential election is certain by June 2008...
Vol 1 (AAC) No 11 |
Alongside the United Nations Operations in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI) South Korea's Choi Young-jin is working to implement the peace process outlined in the Ouagadougou accord of March 2007 signed by President Laurent Gbagbo and the Forces Nouvelles rebel leader Guillaume Soro...
Vol 48 No 25 |
With the help of Burkina Faso's President Blaise Campaoré Sarkozy and Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo discusssed ways to thaw the Franco-Ivorian relationship...
Vol 48 No 20 |
Last week for the first time since he took power in 2000 President Laurent Gbagbo turned up to address the United Nations General Assembly and boasted that the African-made peace formula (AC Vol 48 No 16) was working well after several externally mediated accords had fallen apart...
Vol 48 No 20 |
Murmurs of mutiny over such issues forced President Laurent Gbagbo into another round of public talks with the army rank-and-file in August when he insisted there had been no final agreement on the 'Soro ranks'...
Vol 48 No 20 |
This was heatedly disputed last week in New York with presidents such as Cote d'Ivoire's Laurent Gbagbo and South Africa's Thabo Mbeki together with the African Union Chairman Alpha Oumar Konaré arguing forcefully for the end of foreign troop deployments in Africa...
Sarkozy may have started to melt the froideur between Côte d'Ivoire and France after he and President Laurent Gbagbo shook hands warmly at the meeting...