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Adesina Akinwumi

Date of Birth: 6 February 1960

Displaying 1-10 out of 41 results.

Summit host Meloni fails to back promises with cash

Ahead of the summit Kenya's President William Ruto Mauritania's Mohamed Ould Ghazouani and the AfDB's Akinwumi Adesina penned co-ordinated opinion pieces demanding new measures on debt restructuring more flexibility in the use of IMF Special Drawing Rights and easier access for African states to concessional funding (AC Vol 65 No 12 Adesina urges the bank to go private)...

Adesina urges the bank to go private

Akinwumi Adesina's farewell tour as president of the African Development Bank (AfDB) started with the bank's annual meetings in Nairobi – the latest in a conveyor belt of summits hosted by Kenya's President William Ruto...

The race to replace Adesina Akinwumi Adesina's second and final five-year term ends next year and his potential successors cannot apply for the job before September...

Electoral flaws may stall re-engagement campaign

The three key figures in this campaign – Mozambique's former President Joaquim Chissano African Development Bank President Akinwumi Adesina and European Union Ambassador to Harare Jobst von Kirchmann – see the election assessment as key...

Finance chief Ncube bets on resolving debt impasse

Under a plan led by Akinwumi Adesina President of the African Development Bank and Joaquim Chissano former President of Mozambique Zimbabwe is to implement a set of economic political and land reforms in exchange for international backing to clear its debt arrears and the ending of financial restrictions on the government (AC Vol 64 No 15 ZANU-PF takes a cut of the green economy)...

Displaying 1-10 out of 41 results.