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Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

Date of Birth: 15 August 1944
Place of Birth: Ntungamo, Uganda

Displaying 481-490 out of 510 results.

New fingers on Zaïre's trigger

The combined African fighting force under Uganda's Yoweri Museveni Rwanda's General Paul Kagamé and Angola's Chief of Staff General João de Matos is a formidable military machine which after its success in Zaïre might try its strength elsewhere...

Some African states worry this army already has its Otto von Bismarck in Yoweri Museveni...

The debt dealers

Bank sources link the French position to the Elysée's anger at growing Ugandan and Anglophone influence in Central Africa; specifically the takeover by Kampala's allies Paul Kagame's Front Patriotique Rwandais in Rwanda and now the success of President Yoweri Museveni's ally – Laurent-Désiré Kabila and the Alliance des Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Congo-Zaïre - in Zaïre...

Kabila yaka!

Part of this network is Kabila's friendship with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni which has developed over the past decade...

Across the lake

The government tolerates Nyangoma who is fighting Major Pierre Buyoya's regime but at the same time the influential ex-President Julius Nyerere has known Kabila since the 1960s and is close to the Rwandan strongman General Paul Kagame and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni...

Boeing bellyflops

But in the case of the Harare bellyflop Zimbabwe security's energetic efforts to hush the affair up seem to indicate the consignment had the tacit approval of the '3Ms': Presidents Nelson Mandela Robert Mugabe and Yoweri Museveni...

Kabila's long march

Kisase who was close to Uganda's Yoweri Museveni was known to have been critical of the AFDL's military dependence on the Banyamulenge...

No peace, no war

Hussein feels isolated even though via his recultivated links to Presidents Daniel arap Moi and Yoweri Kaguta Museveni he is now on near-cordial terms with European Development Commissioner João de Deus Pinheiro and European Union Special Envoy Sigurd Illing...

Democracy deficit

Notable absentees Presidents Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and Jerry Rawlings of Ghana both sent their vice-presidents...

Outside agents

Military sources say the AFDL is getting substantial support from allies in neighbouring Rwanda and Uganda: Major General Paul Kagamé and Yoweri Museveni...

Tough Tinyefuza

Mugisha Muntu who said the message was wrongly addressed: he had sent it to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who reportedly also refused it...

Displaying 481-490 out of 510 results.