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Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

Date of Birth: 15 August 1944
Place of Birth: Ntungamo, Uganda

Displaying 151-160 out of 505 results.

From East to East

Although Eximbank and Uganda have agreed soft loans for the initial stage of Uganda's railway agreement President Yoweri Museveni suggested in October that the CDB might finance the remainder of the project's estimated $8 bn...

Hack exposes state spies

President Yoweri Museveni has been preparing the ground to be re-elected as President next year with a panoply of laws restricting the opposition (AC Vol 56 No 13 Drawing the battle lines)...

UN: 'unfair, unfree'

Appeals to postpone it have fallen on deaf ears as East African Community leaders appointed President Yoweri Museveni as official mediator between the President and the opposition...

Drawing the battle lines

Speaking on YouTube on 15 June John Patrick Amama Mbabazi declared his intention to secure the governing National Resistance Movement's presidential nomination in place of President Yoweri Museveni...

Military balance

Convened to discuss the regional 'security and humanitarian situation' the summit brought together some of Africa's longest serving leaders including Angola's José Eduardo dos Santos Rwanda's Paul Kagame and Uganda's Yoweri Museveni – all firm fans of extended presidential terms the issue that sparked the latest Burundi violence...

The runaway gravy train

On 30 March President Yoweri Museveni signed deals with China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (CHEC) to build the project in spite of its chequered reputation and lack of experience...

Spending for victory

Although the NRM faces little challenge from the opposition amid party divisions President Yoweri Museveni is eager to demonstrate his popularity and maintain an amenable Parliament (AC Vol 56 No 2 Sejusa's mystery return)...

Sejusa’s mystery return

Before the set-to outside his home it looked as though Sejusa had struck an amicable deal with his old comrade-in-arms President Yoweri Museveni to return to the fold (AC Vol 54 No 19 Museveni on the defensive)...

Displaying 151-160 out of 505 results.