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Alpha Condé

Date of Birth: 4 March 1938
Place of Birth: Boké, French Guinea (Guinea)

Displaying 71-80 out of 150 results.

Reform gives way to politics

While President Alpha Condé will seek re-election to try to finish what he has started the opposition led by Cellou Dalein Diallo will try to stop him...

New plans for Simandou

CPI Vice-President Yu Dehui was in Conakry in mid-August to meet President Alpha Condé and to discuss the remaining details of the contract...

Dodgy dialogue

It has been under heavy police protection ever since and President Alpha Condé has promised a full investigation...

Keeping Simandou on track

President Alpha Condé's advisor and friend the financier and philanthropist George Soros hosted a meeting on 17 June to celebrate agreement that the development of the Simandou iron ore deposit led by Rio Tinto was a good thing...

Condé takes on Steinmetz

President Alpha Condé has escalated his government's row with Geneva-based Beny Steinmetz Group Resources over the legitimacy of its stake in the Simandou iron ore mine...

BSGR dismissed Condé's claims as 'completely untrue' and 'a desperate attempt to throw dust in the eyes of international observers who have been increasingly critical of Alpha Condé's lack of enthusiasm to hold legislative elections'...

The fight for Mount Simandou

At the heart of the fight for Simandou are President Alpha Condé’s government and three international mining houses: Anglo-Australian Rio Tinto which has a controlling stake in Simandou Blocks 3 and 4 and Beny Steinmetz Group Resources (BSGR) which together with Brazil’s Vale control Simandou Blocks 1 and 2...

BSGR’s representatives told Africa Confidential they regard the Alpha Condé government as illegitimate and claims of corruption against them are ‘baseless...

Beny bites back

Since Alpha Condé’s election as President in November 2010 Soros has been advising him on implementing a national mining code and introducing new standards of probity and transparency...

Condé’s rainbow fades away

Two years after President Alpha Condé came to office the promise of a new era of accountability and transparency now lies in the ruins of police shootings arson and ethnic violence (AC Vol 51 No 23 Over the new rainbow & Condé's hard won victory)...

Most of their ammunition is supplied by the activities of his son Mohamed Alpha Condé aka ‘Mac’...

Shocks and ore bodies

This year President Alpha Condé has consistently attempted to reassure investors that major projects especially in mining will go ahead as planned...

Displaying 71-80 out of 150 results.