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Alpha Condé

Date of Birth: 4 March 1938
Place of Birth: Boké, French Guinea (Guinea)

Displaying 41-50 out of 150 results.

Conté's long shadow

His appointment by President Alpha Condé marks a return of the cadre of politicians who came to prominence under the regime of President Lansana Conté the putschist who later introduced multi-party democracy...

This sounds like the starting gun for the 2020 presidential election with three former Conté ministers (Fofana Diallo Touré) all fancying their chances and the late President's main adversary Alpha Condé still sounding undecided about whether to go for that third term or not (AC Vol 58 No 2 Electoral test for Condé)...

Nine angry men

During his inauguration in December 2015 President Alpha Condé was warned by Kéléfa Sall the head of Guinea's Constitutional Court to 'not fall for the siren call of revisionism' a reference to Condé's supposed plans to change the constitution and stand for a third term in 2020...

The boys for the black stuff

Aboubacar Sampil a Guinean national with close links to President Alpha Condé's administration and a key figure in the Global Witness report is named as a CGH director (AC Vol 56 No 16 The Sampil truth)...

Sex, rebels and Paris trips

President Alpha Condé immediately sacked N'Bany Sangaré from his job as Secretary General of the Youth Ministry...

Accompanying Condé along with the omnipresent Naby Youssouf Kiridi Bangoura Secretary-General to the Presidency with the rank of minister and Condé's controversial son Mohamed Alpha Condé Paris marked the first foreign trip for Special Representative for Sidya Touré (AC Vol 55 No 3 Condé's house clearance)...

Compromise in Conakry

The protests ended after the government promised the unions concessions and on 27 February President Alpha Condé sacked three ministers including those for Pre-University Education and the Civil Service...

Jammeh's long goodbye

Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz and Guinean President Alpha Condé conducted the negotiations over his future at State House...

Electoral test for Condé

It is the first major test of the governing coalition of President Alpha Condé since his relatively easy re-election in October 2015 (AC Vol 51 No 23 Over the new rainbow & Condé's hard won victory & Vol 56 No 21 Condé's surprising knockout)...

Rio quits Simandou

The government of the current President Alpha Condé then cancelled BSGR's rights (co-held with its Brazilian mining partner Vale) after a two-year Guinean government inquiry prompted by documents acquired by Global Witness had found the former company had won them through corruption...

Displaying 41-50 out of 150 results.