It is also the home region of veteran Frelimo officials of Makonde ethnicity whose figurehead is the former Defence Minister and liberation war hero Alberto Chipande (AC Vol 55 No 16 Gas cash and votes)...
The Mozambican transparency watchdog the Centro de Integridade Pública (the Centre for Public Integrity – CIP) has revealed that General Alberto Joaquim Chipande a fellow Makonde from the north and arguably Nyusi's most influential ally has a stake in a consortium that proposes building a US$6 billion gas pipeline from Cabo Delgado to South Africa...
However he faces not only the visible resistance of some members of the Frente de Libertação de Moçambique from Armando Guebuza's reign but also from senior Frelimo members who share his Makonde ethnicity led by the liberation war veteran General Alberto Chipande...
Vol 56 No 18 |
Key Nyusi ally General Alberto Chipande has a stake in the bidding through his company Quionga Energia which includes other senior Frente de Libertação de Moçambique generals of Makonde ethnicity including the Defence Minister Atanásio Mtumuke according to our sources (AC Vol 54 No 8 The Quionga network)...
Alberto Chipande the country's most senior general and Nyusi's mentor was amongst those who pushed for debate over the succession...
Vol 55 No 23 |
Frelimo generals from the Makonde ethnic group whose senior member is Nyusi's mentor General Alberto Chipande and who are strongly represented in the security services have been meeting in private to discuss how to tackle the situation Frelimo sources told Africa Confidential...
Vol 55 No 22 |
His allies are starting to emerge now: Celso Correia the young businessman and one-time close ally of Guebuza (AC Vol 52 No 18 Celso Correia favourite son) and his compatriots and his mentor General Alberto Chipande and the Makonde generals (AC Vol 55 No 5 Frelimo picks a candidate)...
Vol 55 No 21 |
Frelimo grandee Alberto Chipande is an ally and was always far more influential with Nyusi than Guebuza...
Vol 55 No 16 |
The candidacy of Nyusi a modest man with little charisma was backed by former Defence Minister General Alberto Chipande the grand old man of the liberation struggle and of the Makonde people...
Vol 55 No 16 |
Firstly the Nacala port concession was awarded in February to a new company linked to the influential General Alberto Chipande (AC Vol 54 No 7 Scramble for Nacala)...