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Filipe Jacinto Nyusi

Date of Birth: 09 February 1959
Place of Birth: Namaua, Mueda district, Cabo Delgado

Displaying 121-124 out of 124 results.

Frelimo picks a candidate

After more than a year of uncertainty and speculation the party in power has finally chosen the Defence Minister Filipe Jacinto Nyusi as its presidential candidate for the October election...

The race opens up

President Armando Guebuza's attempt to impose his shortlist – Agriculture Minister José Pacheco Defence Minister Filipe Nyusi and Prime Minister Alberto Vaquina – has failed...

Take me to your leader

The shortlist of Frelimo nominees for the candidacy are all seen as Guebuza yes-men: Agriculture Minister Jose Pacheco Prime Minister Alberto Vaquina and Defence Minister Filipe Nyusi...

Billions for all

But Maputo's relationship with Beijing is evolving beyond politics and economics: Defence Minister Filipe Nyussi was in Beijing in May to sign agreements on military cooperation and $3 mn...

Displaying 121-124 out of 124 results.